Little did I know this meme would be a self-prophetic reflection of my feelings at this time. I know we are not to rely on feelings, since they can lead us astray. They are as fleeting as wind. I want to be honest here: I'm worried. About many things. My book, The Heart Changer launches in two days - April 26th. Does anybody really care? I've poured my heart and soul into my novel - based on a historical event. I want my young audience to fill with hope after reading it. Life is too short and full of hard times. We all need a bit of hope. But will my book reach those who need hope? Will it get into the right hands? What about my writerly friends - and family. Do they care? Enough to pass the word about my debut novel? Am I being too pushy? Too 'in your face' with my social media posts? I have it on a good authority that followers expect you to push the envelope when it comes to posts in the few days before publication. Have I done enough? Too little? In the best way possible to make my book seen? Will people find it on Amazon with such an obscure tag? I was hoping for a "juvenile historical fiction" category tag, but it wasn't to be. Will I get 50 reviews within a month of publication or less, which brings my book up in ranking on Amazon? Or more troublesome - will I get any reviews?? What if my readers don't like it? I do understand there will always be a couple of reviewers who for some reason or another, give it a 1 or 2. I've heard those ratings can reveal some truth about my story. Read my post on reviews here. On Friday, April 26th at 8pm CST, I am hosting my very first author's FB Live event on my Page (have you liked my Page yet?) Will anyone show up? Or will I be talking to crickets? And my FB Page Chat Party on Saturday, April 27th from 2-2:30pm? Will anyone join in to ask questions? Or will I need to entertain myself for half an hour? As you can see, I have many concerns. But I understand it's totally normal.My word of the year is PERSEVERANCE, and boy, I will need plenty of it during these next few weeks! Perseverance to push through the gloom of insecurity and hopelessness, and move towards HOPE. Because this one thing I know for sure - I have a great God. He wrote my story, and therefore, I needn't worry. All those readers who need hope will read my story. I will get as many reviews as He sees fit. And I will have exactly the right friends to join me in my first author's FB LIVE and Chat Party events.
You, see - He is the Heart Changer!
I must admit — Les Misérables by Victor Hugo is my second favorite classic novel. Jane Eyre is my first. I also need to admit that I’ve never read it (it’s on my list), but I’ve watched numerous film versions. And I see the thread of hope running through them all.
Obviously, an author writes from his own worldview. He can’t help it. So, when I discovered Hugo’s quotes, that became clear. I also found the word HOPE in these quotes. No, you may not see the word, but each one reveals an element of hope. 16 Days and Counting!There is so much yet to do before April 26th — Launch Day! Creating memes, connecting with my launch team, getting my giveaways and prizes ready for my book signing and Facebook Live, as well as writing a steady stream of guest posts. Oh, and keeping up with my social media and FaceBook groups. Yikes! I feel as though I’m running towards a finish line. It takes perseverance! My word of the year - aptly chosen.
In some ways, the death of my father came slowly. I eased into it by spending time with cousins while my mother visited my father at his hospital bedside. He was a stroke victim and for three days, never spoke or awoke. Although my mom said he squeezed her hand at some point in response to a comment, he was mute.
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories