It's been a while since I've posted about my middle-grade biblical fiction, The Heart Changer. But February is the perfect month to mention it. I have 50 reviews now (if you are one of my reviewers, thank you!) and have had quite a few interviews both video and written. What an honor! The Heart Changer Q&AHere are a few questions from a Q&A a couple of years back. It gives you a good sense of the book and my reason for writing it: What inspired you to write The Heart Changer? I have a soft spot for kids in the Bible who have no name and backstory, but have made a huge impact on the people around them. With The Heart Changer, Naaman’s wife’s servant girl came to mind from 2 Kings 5. So, I gave Miriam a name AND a feasible backstory! I try to stay as close to the historical account as possible. Since my passion is to ‘breathe new life into the pages of history’ I delight in the ‘what-ifs’ and bring the story to life so children can relate to the Bible characters in a fresh way. Tell us about the themes found in the book. There are many: Hope in the face of despair — The power of forgiveness — God uses our trials to grow us into His likeness — He works all things together for good — Our lives are like a tapestry: we see the tangled underside, but God views it from the top, beautifully woven with purpose and depth. How can this book equip parents to guide their children into a love of God and the Bible? Not only is it a Biblical event found in 2 Kings 5, but its main character is a middle-grader, whose life was full of sorrow and angst, but her heart was changed by God so she could partner with Him on a very important mission that is even named in the NT in Luke 4:27. Kids can see that biblical characters go though struggles just as they do. They can know He loves them, and will use them to make a difference in people’s lives. Kids can be on mission with God! It makes the Bible real to them. Do you know of a middle-grader who seeks to be on mission with God? The Heart Changer will inspire them! What Would My Main Character Say?Here are a few questions from Novel Pastimes Blog that I "asked" my main character, Miriam. What kind of girl was she? In a way, she was very much like me, and looked like my daughter, above. To read the entire set of questions, click on Olivia's image above. What is your heart’s deepest desire, Miriam? I know I can be selfish and hard-hearted at times, especially when it comes to chores. Obedience isn't easy, especially when I have to put aside MY wants and do the things my Ima has assigned to me. Although I love my baby brother, taking care of him is a full-time job. I can't go out and play on the hills with Jonas and my other friends when I’m responsible for him. I wished—no—I prayed I’d learn to be unselfish, not always wanting my own way. But that meant Jehovah God had to discipline me because He loves me. But I wasn't ready for what the future held—how it came about. I wanted my light to shine for Jehovah, no matter where I was, so when I was captured and sold to Naaman, the captain of the Syrian army, I learned the hard way. But, in the end, I made a difference in my master’s household. They now believe in the one true God! What are you most afraid of? Losing my family and my home has been my greatest fear. They meant more to me than anything —well, except for our Abba Father in Heaven! But I held onto hope in those dark days of captivity. I discovered if you have hope, you have everything you need! Do you know of a middle-grader who needs a dose of Hope? It's a perfect gift for Valentine's Day! Here are a few images relating to The Heart Changer and my book launch in 2019. . . The Heart Changer TrailerHave you seen the trailer for The Heart Changer? If not, click on the arrow below: The Heart Changer is Now On Audible!Click on the image below to find the audiobook. It's well narrated and captures the story beautifully! The Heart Changer ReviewsTestimonies like these (above and below) make the challenging journey to authorship well worth it! Why Do I Write?Well, it's surely not for fame and fortune. I would be sorely disappointed! No, it's for the opportunity to encourage and inspire young minds with historic and biblical characters who, because they had courage to do what was right, can be heroic examples to follow. Even the most ordinary kid can make a difference in the world with the help of God. An Inspiring Book for the Middle-grader in Your LifeValentine's Day is a good excuse to get a good book in the hands of a middle-grader who loves history, adventure and an inspiring story that will stick with them for a long time. The Heart Changer will help them to see the account of Naaman's wife's servant girl from 2 Kings 5 in a whole new light! Click on the image above to order The Heart Changer. Question: Which book did you find inspiring as a young reader? Or how about now? Read any books lately that have inspired you to live a more faith-filled life? Let me know in the comments below, or reply to this email.
It never occurred to me that my desire to write middle-grade historical fiction would change. Nor, that my author’s bio must follow suit. But I was recently enlightened when I had to write a book proposal (much like a term paper, for those of you who are unfamiliar with them) and with it, include my bio. Seems simple, until you understand I am writing a non-fiction book on “aging confidently”, something I am struggling to do lately. Now, instead of writing for young people, I'm reaching my peers. My Middle-grade BioThis is what I created when I published The Heart Changer in 2019: Jarm (‘J’ pronounced as a 'Y') Del Boccio finds her inspiration in everyday life, but in particular, when she travels the globe, observing the quirky things that happen along the way. Focusing on lives of characters from the past, Jarm is devoted to breathing new life into the pages of history, and offers her young readers hope, heart, and a real-life hero. Jarm loves to travel, is passionate about visiting new places and determined never to visit the same location twice. Unfortunately, sometimes she has to break her own rule. Having journeyed to six out of seven continents, she’s slowly checking off destinations on her bucket list. Jarm’s next dream destination is a stay in a Mongolian yurt with plenty of yak milk to drink! Some interesting factoids about the author: Her first job was working in — no kidding — a Chinese laundromat! After meeting a bat head-on, Jarm had the distinct privilege of sporting black eyes for eighth grade graduation. Her secret desire? To get caught up in a flash mob singing a tune from a favorite musical. Jarm taught Kindergarten and high school art/home economics, served as school librarian, and later, nannied a four year old girl. But her greatest challenge was educating three missionary children in an isolated bush village in Papua New Guinea, without the benefit of modern conveniences. Jarm is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators and American Christian Fiction Writers and Word Weavers, and has published three articles in The Old Schoolhouse magazine (2013/18/19). She finished her advanced course with the Institute of Children’s Literature, completing her third MG historical fiction. Jarm Del Boccio is content with the journey God has placed her on, and lives with her husband, adult daughter and son (when he lands at home), in a tree-lined suburb of Chicago. Her debut middle-grade historical fiction, The Heart Changer released with Ambassador International April 26th, and recently won the Illuminations Silver Medal Award in the Children’s/YA category, and honorable mention in The Purple Dragonfly Book Award’s spiritual/religious category. You can connect on her website: Jarm Del Boccio, Author or social media platforms: Goodreads, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. A New Genre, a New Bio—a New Identity!Now that I am writing a non-fiction book on Aging Confidently, it's necessary to change my bio to reflect the current ‘me’ and to identify with my future readers—folks in their silver years and beyond. Below is my revised but tentative bio. I'd appreciate your feedback! Jarm (‘J’ pronounced as a 'Y') Del Boccio has spent the last 10 years breathing new life into the pages of history offering middle-grade readers hope, heart, and a real-life hero. Now, well into her silver years, and maturing along with her peers, she is looking forward, and not back. Jarm sees a reluctance to let go of the past and its comforts to forge ahead into new territory that will enlighten, refresh and energize the spirit. What many peers fear is the very thing that will help them age with grace, confidence and faith, making their last years productive and meaningful. Jarm scares off the aging bug with travel, and is passionate about visiting new places—she is determined never to visit the same location twice. Unfortunately, sometimes she has to break her own rule. Having journeyed to six out of seven continents, she’s slowly checking off destinations on her bucket list. Her secret desire? To get caught up in a flash mob singing a tune from a favorite musical. Jarm feels like a 20-something when someone comments on her stunning silver hair. She tells them it's God’s gift to her (along with her stellar hairdresser of 30 years.) Although Jarm taught elementary and high school students, served as school librarian, and later, nannied a young girl, her greatest challenge was educating three missionary children in an isolated bush village in Papua New Guinea, without the benefit of modern conveniences. Jarm is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Word Weavers, and Hope*Writers. She has published articles in The Old Schoolhouse magazine and recently, her devotional on Nehemiah was accepted for Unlocked Teen Devotional. Having sold her home in a tree-lined Chicago suburb, Jarm has moved 11 times in four months. Although it's an adventure she wasn't asking for, Jarm is content with the journey God has placed her on, and plans to settle down with her husband to the North Carolina coast. With this move, she has become an avid declutterer and minimalist, since discovering it fogs her aging brain. Her award-winning debut middle-grade historical fiction, The Heart Changer released with Ambassador International in 2019, and still has two more kidlit novels to submit when the time is right. You can connect on her website: Jarm Del Boccio, Author or social media platforms: Goodreads, Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram. What do you think of my new identity? Would you add anything to my bio that would represent my ‘silver self” better? Anything you would remove that is not necessary? Please tell me in the comments below. . .
I don't know about you, but as a writer, I look forward to a new writing guide when it comes along. Today I get to share the news that The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and Inner Struggles (Vol. 1) has arrived! The Conflict Thesaurus is their newest writing tool. . .This guide is about that absolutely necessary ingredient our stories need: Conflict. It shows you exactly how to use conflict to raise tension, create a fresh story premise, and pull readers in. The guide also dives into over 100 conflict scenarios and how each can be endlessly adapted to challenge a character inside and out. Problems, Moral Dilemmas, Ticking Clocks, Obstacles, No-Win Scenarios. . . this book is plot brainstorming in overdrive! I'm part of Angela & Becca's Street Team for this release, and we have an important question to ask you: Can You Survive Danger as Well as Your Favorite Protagonist?Sure, it's easy for you (or is it?) to use conflict to wound your characters and make them struggle, but what if it's you in the hot seat instead? Will you make good decisions, or bad ones? Are you game for The Conflict Challenge?It's time to find out by taking the Conflict Challenge! I dare you to become the protagonist in a special story Angela & Becca have created. And heads up, if you survive, you win some pretty cool stuff! GIVEAWAY ALERTWhile you're at Writers Helping Writers taking the Conflict Challenge, make sure to enter The Conflict Thesaurus celebratory giveaway, too. But hurry - it's only on for a few days. So, take the challenge. . . if you dare. I did, and it's super fun. And don't forget to come back and let me know how you did against Camp Deadwood! While your at it, check out Becca and Angela’s other stellar tools: Have you used any of the above thesauri? If so, which is your favorite? If you're looking for an incredible online tool that helps you craft your story, check out One Stop for Writers.
Are you a writer stuck in a genre that's tired? Do you want to branch out into something new? How about travel writing? If you love words, adventure and a desire to share your discoveries, with a possibility of free food, lodging and activities, travel writing is for you! The How-tos of Travel WritingBelieve it or not, travel writing is much like creating a novel or magazine article. All good writing needs a hook, which is usually sentence or paragraph that draws you in, then follows with points or scenes that bring you though the piece in an orderly and engaging way, keeping the promises the title and hook offered. But where do you begin? Your hometown, of course! There are numerous things to see and do where you live. Restaurants, shops, nature hikes, and museums are just the beginning. Ask your local chamber of commerce, library or historical society for ideas. And read this short article, 5 Tips for Travel Writing Success in Your Hometown. Have a focus. “Three top places to enjoy the fall leaves in (your hometown)” "10 top restaurants that offer hygge atmosphere in (your hometown) this winter” are some suggestions. Everyone googles ‘best’ or ‘top 10’ when they are looking for places to go, so add yours! Then pitch your idea to a local newspaper or magazine. Much advice for these steps and beyond are found at Great Escape Publishing If they agree to publish your article, that's when the fun begins. Looking for more possibilities for publication? Try Midwest Living, GoNomad, Rovology, or Play, Stay, Eat. But here's the catch: before writing an article, reading well-written ones is a must. Subscribe to Afar's newsletter, check out Travel&Leisure from your local library, and any other popular travel magazine. Read voraciously, to get a feel for the voice and content of a great travel piece. If you are looking for constant inspiration and mentorship, join ITWPA which offers classes, travel ideas, examples of travel writing, great photography and more. It's an organization which will give you guidance and credibility, along with a jounalist's pass all your own! I've given you a quick introduction to travel writing, but it takes study and perseverance, Consider joining the groups above for support. One successful travel writer, Abi King, has a stellar website, Inside the Travel Lab and offers a newsletter that will give you a feel for the travel journalist's lifestyle. Be inspired! Are you a travel journalist? If so, tell us your favorite location to write about. Have you considered travel writing? Let me know your thoughts below!
Looking to Improve Your Writing Skills, but can't get out of the house? Are you in an isolated area where there are no writer's groups? This Post is for you!
Hi everyone! Today, especially for writers, I have something fun to share -- a special writing resource and a chance to win some help with your writing bills. Fantastic, right?
Some of you may know Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi of Writers Helping Writers. Well, today they are releasing a new book, and I’m part of their street team. I’m handing the blog over to them so they can tell you about their Writer’s Showcase event, new book, and a great freebie to check out. Read on! Have you been floundering in the dark lately? Or maybe you're not aware your light has dimmed. Maybe, you are just living life as it comes, but underneath, are realizing there is something more.
I believe that's the way the shepherds felt over 2,000 years ago on the night Jesus was born. Since this is the Christmas season, I want to share a portion of my Christmas Musings written in 2012. For another character sketch in this series, here is the link for the Magi's story. I hope you are blessed by my interpretation of what happened many centuries ago and many miles away. How would you have responded that night? |
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories