Rest for the Weary of HeartI came to a complete stop last week. I mean, a screeching halt. I was going like sixty in my writing career, doing all the things. Well, the things I thought I was supposed to be doing, or was told I needed to be doing by the wise writers of the world (WWotW). Those things included writing blog posts, newsletters, and devotions, attending writer’s conferences to pitch, network and learn (the latter I could do all day and every day, but I wouldn't have the chance to implement what I learned). And that's not to mention social media posts, and faithfully putting pen to the—I mean fingers to the keyboard. Every day! Oh, and looking for speaking engagements and creating courses and. . . If even a couple of those things lead to furthering my career in some way (small connections, likes and comments on social media, a few reviews on Amazon, or big things like agent representation, a publishing contract or speaking engagement) I would know all my efforts were worth it. But in the last year, it's been crickets. In every case. Except one. My top-of-the-wishlist agent asked me to do some rewrites last summer, and compile a list of 20 titles for my WIP she was interested in. She also wanted a detailed marketing plan showing all the ways I would get my book noticed, including possible speaking engagements. Although she wa sold on my book idea, her client list was full, and ultimately chose not to take me on. Now I've done the work and joined speakers groups I would never have considered. I can honestly say in retrospect, I was grateful. Yes. God is good. All the time. Now, I’m thankful for all the writers (big name and small) I've come to know and follow. It's always been my policy to help them in any way I can. I share their stories, repost their images, join their launch team and review their books. And I must say, there is always growth in a small way in my writing career, but I'm not in my 30s anymore. Only God knows how many more years I have left on this earth. And I want them to matter. I want my words to leave a legacy. But I'm exhausted!! I Need a Break!I don't mean to be complaining (although I am). It's just that it's hard work to be an author. And I’ve been told that countless times. So it's no surprise. ‘Starving artists’ was not only a phrase used 250 years ago, but a reality today. Unless you are J.K. Rowling or Suzanne Collins, you cannot live on royalties alone. That's why many authors write courses, do school visits and are featured on podcasts. Does that mean I want to give up?? Absolutely not! Does it mean God is telling me to quit? I don't think so. I know God has gifted me, so I want to be wise in using that gift. Could it mean I need to take a rest? Yes! And you know what? The thought occurred to me that maybe I'm taking it upon myself to market my books and find an agent without consulting my Heavenly Father. Talk about draining! Doing things in my own strength never works out for good. Especially as I age. Rest & RefreshSo, I'm going to REST and REFRESH. I'll take a break from social media posts and conferences—from feeling I need to perform—do all the things. This time, I will LISTEN—to God’s voice. I’ll ask Him what He wants me to do. I’ll wait for him to act on my behalf—to make the connections for me. Just a few nights ago, when I was reflecting on my current situation, I reached out to the Almighty with tears. “Lord, what do YOU want me to do?” His answer came quite clearly (not audibly, but clearly): “Cease striving and know I am God.” Psalm 46:10 NASB That's it! I will rest, and let Him work on my behalf. I'll go about my day calmer and more confident that my Heavenly Father is working behind the scenes. I will SAVOUR what He brings my way moment by moment without a heavy ‘to do’ list. And maybe, just maybe, I smile a bit more. Speaking of rest, I am reading an advanced copy of The Rested Soul, and it's just what I needed. It's not your ordinary devotional. Each entry makes you stop and ponder, and I am touched with Tessa’s transparency here. You can preorder The Rested Soul today! Do you need a rest this season? In which area? Please let me know in the comments below so I can pray for you!
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories