It took all the strength we could muster to stand up straight against the wind as we walked along the Portuguese shore; Cape Roca - the farthest point west jutting out into the Atlantic. One never really understands the fierce elements that has made this ocean a menace for centuries until you’ve battled it.
That’s perseverance. It’s different from endurance. Which is why I chose the former as my word for 2019.
“Words mean things” reminds my husband, when I’ve not clearly explained something, or use the wrong words in my conveyance of a concept. Since I’m an author, I know just how powerful words can be. And surprisingly, so are mere letters.
How many times do we let our minds wander, for no good purpose? Unfortunately, it commonly occurs while we are listening to a sermon. Or a lecture. Times when we need to be paying attention. Last Sunday, I was guilty of that very habit. But it lead me to a treasure to ponder. My mind went from wandering to pondering. And then, it ended in wonder. A perfect state to be caught in during the Christmas Season. From wandering to wondering. The letter “O” made all the difference. . . I don’t know about you, but I have too much stuff — on the inside and outside. In my house. On my schedule. Swirling about in my head. I'm a Minimalist wanna be.
When I stopped in World Market the other day, I was bombarded with colors, shapes, scents and clutter. A good kind of clutter, but clutter none the less. Materialism at its best. Since my debut MG historical fiction, "The Heart Changer" releases in Spring of 2019, I'm capturing photos of hearts. This one above from the Market is an example. In 2012, I was inspired to write, “Christmas Musings” as I pondered the reason for this season. Each cast of characters, each scene of the account tells a story of its own. So, since Christmas is traditionally about gifts, who were the first gift givers? Here’s a peek into their journey. . .
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories