When Dreams are DashedEveryone has disappointments—dreams dashed to the ground, along with their hopes. Not fun, is it? "Why me?" you and I say. Why not? No one is immune. We live in a sinful world with sinful people. But hold on. Sometimes, our dreams are smashed not because of an evil influence or mishap, but because God is orchestrating our lives, and has a better idea. ***Please excuse the link format. For some reason, the website would not allow me to embed the links, but in retrospect, it fits with the theme of my post. Enjoy. . . This happened to me last week. I was attended the NRB modules.marriott.com/leisure/bnago-gaylord-opryland-resort-and-convention-center (National Religious Broadcasting) Convention with high hopes that I might make good connections with podcasters or radio personnel who wanted to interview me about my middle-grade biblical fiction, The Heart Changer, or my work-in-progress for silver sisters who are stuck and need help moving forward as they age. I tentatively entitled it Flourishing and Fragrant: Living Abundantly in Your Seasoned Years. I also thought I might interest one of the four publishing houses, but only one showed any promise. But, that’s one! God’s Plan is Far BetterSo, what happened?? Well, since no-one seemed interested in booking me for an interview, God nudged me to give away the 10 books I’d brought with me to a Representive at each booth featuring Israeli ministries. After all, my MC was an Israelite captive, wrenched from her home in a time of war, and forced to serve Naaman, commander of the Syrian army—well—brought to serve his wife, whom I named Adara. My desire was to bless some middle-grade Jewish/Israeli girl with a story of hope. So, although humanly speaking my dreams were smashed, God will bring a blessing from my book. While perusing the booths, I stopped at one giving samples of Beantage https://www.beantage.com/, coffee grown in Thailand. The girl was so sweet to talk about her product, then ask me why I was at the conference. When I shared my book, she suddenly became animated. I could read joy all over her face! Ruth was an educator who loved reading, and desired to have good literature put in the hands of young students. In fact, she was a budding writer herself. I immediately encouraged her to look up AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association—the organization I was with at the conference) https://awsa.com/ where she could find support. As we finished our conversation, promising to connect in the future, I walked a few booths away, and then God nudged me (again) to give her my last copy of The Heart Changer. https://ambassador-international.com/books/the-heart-changer/ She was thrilled! It brought joy to my heart to encourage another educator who desires to put good books into the hands of young students, whether by purchasing or writing them. I just had to take a photo of this God moment! Another Rude AwakeningAlthough the Gaylord Opryland in Nashville https://modules.marriott.com/leisure/bnago-gaylord-opryland-resort-and-convention-center was a gorgeous hotel with tropical gardens, high-end shops and restaurants, the floorplan left something to be desired. For someone like me who has difficulty walking up and down stairs, this was not a user-friendly environment. Even though there were elevators available, one never knew which levels were accessible. There were maps, but the atrium with its footpaths and bridges, made it a challenge to navigate. The Final StrawDreams of a smooth trip home were dashed when our first flight to Charlotte was delayed, thus making me late to my next connection, even though I walked fast, and used the moving walkway. So—I was routed via Myrtle Beach, a 1.5-hour journey from our home, where my husband met me at 10:30 pm. Oh, and did I mention my luggage didn't accompany me? Nope. It was arriving at midnight, so I told the agent I would not be waiting for it. Thankfully, they are prepared and brought to my home the next morning. Who knew? God did. And I was grateful He brought me safely home, albeit exhausted. One never can anticipate what will happen at any one time. But, I have a heavenly Father who cares, and works all things together for good. One fun note—Former President Trump was speaking at the NRB (I was not able to attend), so it was a treat to see his jet at the airport as our plane taxied out. I have a window seat passenger to thank for this photo! What about you?? Have you had your dreams dashed lately? I'd love you to share your experience below. We can't expect everything to go smoothly in this life, but, if we belong to God’s family, He will turn it around for our benefit—and others!
Looking to Improve Your Writing Skills, but can't get out of the house? Are you in an isolated area where there are no writer's groups? This Post is for you!
It's not as easy as it seems. . .
People think an author sits and drinks lattes as words stream from her pen. Then off to submit to agents and editors. In a few weeks, voilá - a contract. Soon, royalties come streaming in, and the celebrated author is on the way to her villa in Santorini. Or maybe Tuscany. Whew! This week, I was involved in four events as an author -- each unique in its own way. Being a former teacher and school librarian, my very first school visit was a favorite! You can see me above, sharing my PowerPoint presentation.
I've just returned from the SoCal Christian Writer's Conference. What a boost! It was a pleasure and a blessing to be among like-minded writers. Although we wrote in different genres -- fantasy, non-fiction, devotional, Biblical fiction, Middle-grade, children's picture books, etc., we had our faith in common. It's a comfort to be on the 'same page' from the start.
Ten days ago I returned exhausted from three whirlwind days of our regional SCBWI Conference. Wow. I couldn't take it all in -- there was so much to absorb! There were workshops and keynote addresses by seasoned authors, a bookstore to shop to our wallet's delight, and of course, a county fair to top all county fairs. Topics from how to garner invites for author visits to social media marketing and what to look for in an agent. And the customary craft courses on voice, editing and character. If you've been to a writer's conference, you know how daunting it can be. So what are the 5 things to remember? Let me outline them simply here: 1. BE COMFORTABLE Wear comfortable shoes and clothing (with a sweater or jacket to ward off a chill in case the rooms are freezing). Bring snacks, a method to take notes, and a tote, small suitcase or large purse to hold all the conference goodies and handouts. 2. BE WILLING If you live in the area, (but even if you don't) volunteer to help set up registration, drive speakers to and from the airport, or attend to the needs of the host for a workshop. I offered to pick up a well-known author after her flight, and ended up having a friendly and insightful conversation. I realized she has some of the same issues as we debut authors do! 3. BE FRIENDLY Network with attendees, authors, agents and editors. Sit with them at a meal, chat in the lounge, or catch them at the end of a workshop. They are humans like you and me. No need to be intimidated! If you don't try, you'll never feel comfortable around them. And don't underestimate the importance of conversing with fellow writers, even if they haven't published yet. We all have valuable things to share. Bring business cards to pass out, and be sure to follow them on social media. Who knows where that will lead! 4. BE REALISTIC Don't expect to land an agent or sign a contract at your very first conference. Yes, it has happened, but chances are slim. It doesn't mean you or the conference was a failure. It does mean you have accumulated tips and tricks for your writer's journey that will eventually lead to a contract. Put into practice all the things you are learning, and move forward. Good news may be around the next corner, whether that is next month or next year! 5.BE DILIGENT Remember those notes you took? Hopefully, while in the workshops, you highlighted or circled the items you needed to work on first. Maybe it's editing your latest manuscript, or submitting to that awesome agent you talked with -- just make sure you've perused their wishlist before submitting. Get to work immediately on those tasks. As I write this, I'm reminding myself I have not followed through on my own advice. Believe me, I will miss out if I don't move ahead. Don't be like me! This is the first time I've attended a conference as a debut author. So I was honored to see my little MG historical fiction nestled among the great kid lit authors of the Midwest. Well, maybe a bit intimidating, too. And although I sold only one, I discovered another author had sold none. So, I didn't worry. We all need to begin somewhere. And I am firmly traveling down the path of marketing, writing and submitting. Here I am below, ready to sign the one book purchased. But no one showed up. No worries, because two-thirds of the attendee authors didn't show, and the few that sat at their assigned place faithfully and waited, had no books to sign. But, we took photos of each other, then exchanged and signed our books. Win-win. Just not in the usual sense. ![]() Can you think of other points to remember when attending a writer's conference? Which conferences have helped you the most on your writer's journey? Tell me in the comments below. . . Speaking of debut authors -- The Heart Changer has 12 reviews right now. Can you help me reach 20? If you have read my story, please give me an honest review on Goodreads, Amazon, Barnes and Noble and/or Bookbub. You can copy and paste the same review to all the online sites. Easy-peasy!
I'd sure appreciate it! |
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories