Ah, yes! Zoom. The connector of the universe. I bet the majority of the population with internet connection have experienced at least one Zoom meeting. If you were one of them, how did that go? Were you delighted? Frustrated? Confused?
I had the privilege of visiting England the last week of February -- one of my favorite destinations. Since I am a historical fiction author, are you surprised? My purpose was threefold. First, to do a bit of research and sightseeing in Bath, where my latest WIP takes place, although many centuries ago. Second, to do an author's talk at the Bristol homeschool coop near my host's town.
Oh. I must catch my breath! Did I truly see such a magnificent creature and live? I paled. My heart pounded as the mighty angel, dressed in a flowing white robe with searing eyes that pierced my soul.
Have you been floundering in the dark lately? Or maybe you're not aware your light has dimmed. Maybe, you are just living life as it comes, but underneath, are realizing there is something more.
I believe that's the way the shepherds felt over 2,000 years ago on the night Jesus was born. Since this is the Christmas season, I want to share a portion of my Christmas Musings written in 2012. For another character sketch in this series, here is the link for the Magi's story. I hope you are blessed by my interpretation of what happened many centuries ago and many miles away. How would you have responded that night? Our family had the opportunity last Saturday to watch A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood starring Tom Hanks, who, by the way, did a fabulous job portraying Mr. Rogers. It would not surprise me if he won an Oscar. It helped me understand the heart behind the man so dearly loved by his young viewers.
It's not as easy as it seems. . .
People think an author sits and drinks lattes as words stream from her pen. Then off to submit to agents and editors. In a few weeks, voilá - a contract. Soon, royalties come streaming in, and the celebrated author is on the way to her villa in Santorini. Or maybe Tuscany. And now for something completely different. Do you love to share newsworthy articles? Love to inspire your readers? Or, are you a history buff, but sadly, with very little time to read? Do I have news for you! Apps you'll love. Since I am a Mac girl, these three are found at the app store. If you are an android user, good news - it's available for you as well.
Good News!My MG Biblical fiction "The Heart Changer" debuted in 2019 with Ambassador International. Categories